Aarhus University Seal

Operando and in situ studies of functional materials

PhD defence, Monday 9 December 2024, Rasmus Baden Stubkjær

Rasmus Baden Stubkjær

During his studies, Rasmus B. Stubkjær researched the crystal structure of different functional materials using advanced X-ray scattering techniques. The structure of a material is important as it directly influences the material properties. Rasmus studied how the structure of different thermoelectric materials degrades when subject to working conditions as well as the formation of nanoparticles from solution. Central to most of the studies are time resolved X-ray scattering experiments conducted at large particle accelerators.

Overall, the different studies emphasize the significance of understanding the structure of a material to advance the development of sustainable functional materials in the future.

The PhD degree was completed at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University.

This résumé is prepared by the PhD student

Time: Monday December 9th at 13:15
Place: Building 1514, room 213, Auditorium 1, Department of Chemistry, Langelandsgade 140 , 8000 Aarhus C
Title of dissertation: In operando & in situ X-ray scattering studies of functional materials
Contact information: Rasmus B. Stubkjær, e-mail: rsc@chem.au.dk, tel.: +45 20666741
Members of the assessment committee:
Professor Simon J. L. Billinge, Columbia University, USA
Professor John Evans, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, USA
Professor Martin Bremholm (chair), Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University
Main supervisor:
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen
Language: The PhD dissertation will be defended in English


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