Aarhus Universitets segl

Courses at AU Summer University during the summer break

Did you know, that as a AU PhD student, you can participate in courses at AU Summer University during the summer break as part of your PhD programme?

The AU Summer University courses differ from regular AU courses by being very intensive, international, and taught in English during the summer. Every year, there are over 2500 students including many international students and lecturers attending AU Summer University.


In 2024, almost 100 courses are offered by all five faculties at AU, so there’s a good chance, that there are relevant courses for you and your PhD project.


You can see a list of the courses and information on how to apply on the AU summer university website.

The call is open for applications in the period 15 January – 15 March 2024 at 12 noon.


If you have any questions, please contact summeruniversity@au.dk