Aarhus Universitets segl

Research stay opportunity at the Director Ib Henriksens Foundation’s Villa in the South of France

The Director Ib Henriksens Foundation offers a unique opportunity for researchers to apply for research stays at its beautiful villa property in Castellaras-le-Vieux, located in the picturesque hills north of Cannes in the South of France.

Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo

The Director Ib Henriksens Foundation offers a unique opportunity for researchers to apply for research stays at its beautiful villa property in Castellaras-le-Vieux, located in the picturesque hills north of Cannes in the South of France. Situated near the historic village of Valbonne, the villa is part of a larger estate that also includes a castle with roots dating back to Roman times.

The villa property is specifically designed for work-related research stays, providing a tranquil environment conducive to scientific productivity. Since its opening, over 125 researchers have benefited from the opportunity to complete their work in this serene setting. The typical stay is 3 weeks, and the villa is equipped with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

However, due to a recent decline in applications, the Foundation is reaching out to remind researchers at Aarhus University about this valuable opportunity.

Applicants are responsible for their own travel expenses. The stay is taxed depending on the time of year one is at the property:

  • Stays in January, February, March, November, December: DKK 4,000 per week
  • Stays in April, May, September, October: DKK 6,000 per week
  • Stays in June, July, August: DKK 10,000 per week

Please note that the Foundation does not support vacation stays, and only work-related research stays are eligible. If you are interested in applying for a research stay, you can apply via this link: https://direktoer-ib-henriksens-fond.grant.nu/profile/#/login