Aarhus University Seal

Stand for election at the University elections 2024

The university elections are your chance to influence decisions regarding your PhD programme and your workplace through the university’s democratic decision-making bodies, including the PhD committee.

Please register your candidacy as soon as possible in the period from Monday, 7 October 2024 at 9.00 to Friday, 11 October 2024 at 12.00 noon.

You can stand for the following bodies:

  • PhD committee (all PhD students)
  • Academic Council (non-employed PhD students and PhD students enrolled in the flexible model, part A - also enrolled in master’s programmes)
  • Study board (PhD students enrolled in the flexible model, part A - also enrolled in master’s programmes).
  • The Board (non-employed PhD students and PhD students enrolled in the flexible model, part A - also enrolled in master’s programmes)

Please note that all PhD students can vote in the elections.

There are eight areas of representation for the PhD committee:

  • Department of Biology (1 mandate and 1 substitute)
  • Department of Chemistry (1 mandate and 1 substitute)
  • Department of Computer Science (1 mandate and 1 substitute)
  • Department of Geoscience (1 mandate and 1 substitute)
  • Department of Mathematics (1 mandate and 1 substitute)
  • Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (1 mandate and 1 substitute)
  • Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) (1 mandate and 1 substitute)
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy (1 mandate and 1 substitute)

Gain insight into what it’s like to be a member of a PhD committee from the perspective of two PhD students. These portraits provide a glimpse into their experiences and reflections:
PhD student Thea Quistgaard – member of the PhD Committee at Faculty of Technical Sciences
PhD Student Niclas Nørby Jochumsen Hundahl – member of the PhD Committee at Faculty of Arts

Vote for the election
You can also make a difference by voting for the candidate whom you think is best qualified to make a difference for your degree or PhD programme.

The election period runs from Monday, 11 November 2024 at 9.00 to Thursday, 14 November 2024 at 16.00.

Please see the election website for more info on nomination, election, time schedule, rules, etc.

In case of questions, you can read more at the FAQ, or contact the Election secretariat.

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