Aarhus University Seal

Whom to contact

If you have any questions, both in connection with your start at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG), but also in general, please feel free to contact the Head of MBG's PhD Programme Committee or the PhD student secretary (please see below) who can answer your questions, or help you further.

You are also very welcome to contact any member of the MBG's PhD program committee and of course our PhD partner at the Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) (please see below), who will also assist you in answering questions.

'Alignment of expectations' between you and your supervisor is a key factor to make your PhD study a productive and positive time. We strongly suggest that you talk about this with your supervisor with regular intervals. Taking notes about that is a good idea also if you both feel that there is no problem.

Exemption from teaching. PhD students at MBG are expected to teach, but you have the possibility to get exemption from teaching during certain periods. However, you have to decide on that before the teaching load is distributed among the PhD students, not afterwards.

Whom to contact

Head of MBG's PhD Programme Committee

MBG PhD student secretary

Helle Homann

Department Secretary

MBG's GSNS PhD student partner

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