Aarhus University Seal

Ecosystem roles of megafauna in the past, present, and future—theory and methods for basic and applied science (2024)

ECTS credits:



Course parameters:

Language: English

Level of course PhD course:

Time of year: 30 September - 4 October 2024

No. of contact hours/hours: 100 hours total: 45 contact hours, 55 hours preparation and project work.

Capacity limits: 15 Students


Objectives of the course:

This short course will provide students with a general overview of megafauna ecosystem ecology including the evolutionary history and biogeography of megafauna, current theoretical concepts related to megafauna-ecosystem interactions, practical analysis of megafauna trait and occurrence datasets, overview of megafauna conservation and restoration ecology, as well as rigorous assessment of ongoing and future megafauna-based rewilding projects.


Learning outcomes and competences:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

- Evaluate the role of megafauna for ecosystem functioning and ecological restoration.

- Identify key datasets for fossil and modern megafauna studies and their advantages and limitations.

- Design a short research project on megafauna ecosystem ecology and present it in a format that could be used for outreach, e.g. for a popular science blog.


Compulsory programme:

Students must actively participate in lectures, course discussions, group projects, and workshops.


Course contents:

The course will consist of an engaging mixture of short lectures, discussion groups, field trips, and hands-on labs and will offer a detailed introduction to megafauna history and ecology.



A working knowledge of the statistical programming language R is desirable for the lab sections, but not essential.


Name of lecturers:

Dr Elizabeth le Roux

Dr. Robert Buitenwerf

Prof. Jens-Christian Svenning

And several more from the Section of EcoInformatics and the EcoScience Department at Aarhus University


Type of course/teaching methods:

Lectures, seminars, group project work, analysis workshops, field trips.



Various primary literature sources will be used (including 25 scientific papers).

Students must have R installed on their computers before the course.


Course assessment:

Students will be assessed based on daily class participation and presentation and quality of a research project.



Department of Biology


Special comments on this course:



9:00-17:00 Monday through Friday (with extra lab work time in evenings)



Aarhus campus, field trips to Lille Vildmose and Geding-Kasted Mose

Cost: 1250 DKK (to cover transport, one night of accommodation and dinner on the Lille Vildmose fieldtrip)



Deadline for registration is 31 July 2024. Information regarding admission will be sent out no later than 7 August 2024.

For registration: Applicants must submit a CV and half a page motivation letter detailing their research interests to Elizabeth le Roux (eleroux@bio.au.dk).

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth le Roux, e-mail: eleroux@bio.au.dk

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