Aarhus University Seal

Foyer booking

If you wish to have a reception in connection with your qualifying exam and/or PhD defense please contact the iNANO student helpers (helpers@inano.au.dk) as soon as possible when you know the date for your reception. We have set a limit of two receptions per day on a first-come-first serve basis. You need to make a booking request so we can check availability and avoid conflicting events and also inform the users of the house of your event. 

The receptions are most welcome after 3 pm and should end by 8 pm.

We have some guidelines & instructions for use of the iNANO foyer that we most kindly ask you to follow:

  • The kitchen in the foyer is equipped with tableware. Provided you clean and put back used tableware, you are welcome to use it for your reception.Should anything break, please inform us.
  • The Student Helpers can provide you with laminated signs for you to reserve the tables before the reception. You can contact them in room 1590-218.
  • Dishwasher instructions are readily available. Have a look at the simple instructions in the foyer kitchen before your reception. If in doubt, please contact the Student Helpers in room 1590-218, they will be happy to give you a quick introduction  
  • Tables (and chairs if necessary) must be wiped clean and chairs put up. Remember the kitchen worktop. Dishcloths are available in the kitchen.  
  • Trash must be taken to the waste containers behind building 1591. Put in new trash bags, they are available in the kitchen. Empty bottles must be disposed of in the glass containers across the street at Gustav Wieds Vej 31-35.
  • Sweep the kitchen and foyer floor and mop if necessary. A cleaning cart is available, please contact Nanorama at nanorama@nanorama.dk.

When booking the foyer, you will be asked to pay a deposit of 1,500 dkr. A smaller administrative fee covering the bank transaction will not be refunded.

If the clean-up of the foyer and kitchen is not satisfactory and used tableware has not been put back in its place, we reserve the right not to refund you your full deposit of DKK 1,500 dkr.

Furthermore, we would like you to pay special attention to the opening of terrace doors. After 5pm, and on all weekends and public holidays, the G4S security guards will be called to the iNANO house, if any of the entrance doors are open more than 30 seconds. Each time the security guards have to show up at the iNANO center, we are charged 500 kr in administration fees. As the host of the reception, you will be responsible for paying this fee. Therefore, make sure to advise your guests to close the doors within 30 seconds.

Also, you must inform and instruct your guests and especially external guests with children to stay in the foyer and use only the restrooms in the entrence hall on the ground floor and in front of the auditorium in the basement due to their own safety.

10931 / i43