Aarhus University Seal

Whom to contact

If you have any questions, both in connection with your start at the iNANOschool or in general, you are more than welcome to contact either the Head of the iNANOschool PhD Programme Committee, the PhD administrator, or your PhD partner at the Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST). They will answer your questions or help you further.

Head of the Nanoscience PhD programme

Issues to bring to the Head of the PhD programme

The Head of the PhD programme is involved with approval of the half year evaluations and thereby approving course activity and the progress of the PhD studies. 

Issues to bring to the local PhD administrator

The PhD administrator can help if you have any local PhD related questions or concerns.     

Local iNANO PhD administrator

Nanoscience PhD partner at the Graduate School of Natural Sciences

Issues to bring to the GSST PhD partner

PhD partner will be able to help you with general PhD related questions, e.g. employment matters, leave and salary.  

The PhD partner connected to the Nanoscience PhD Programme has office hours at iNANO every Thursday from 13.00-15.30 in room 1590-228.  

12666 / i43