Aarhus University Seal

Going abroad - Change of Environment

It is highly recommended you take a stay abroad of at least three months, but it is not a requirement for your PhD that you do so, otherwise do a so-called change of environment.

This can be done either by going to a different university/scientific group within Denmark or to one abroad, which is the most common. Staying abroad is an excellent way of getting inspiration for your project and experiencing how physicists in other places work. It is, however, not a strict requirement for your PhD to do so, but you do have to apply for an exemption for change of environment if you do not do it.

  • Talk to your supervisor, other PhD students, or look online to see where you might like to go.
  • Organize your stay with the aid of your supervisor.
  • Teaching exemption:
    • If your change of environment overlaps with a semester for at least 6 weeks you can get an exemption of 70 hours.
    • If your change of environment overlaps with a semester for at least 12 weeks you can get an exemption of 140 hours. This is maximum exemption due to staying abroad.
    • To receive teaching exemption you must write an email to Karen Konradi.
  • You can apply for a mobility grant at GSNS when going abroad, see "Mobility Grants".
  • While a prolonged change of environment/stay abroad is not a requirement, the Rules and Regulations do state: "[...] PhD students are also required to participate in active research environments outside Aarhus University [...]". This means you should go on conferences, visit other research groups, visit companies (if relevant), and so on..
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