During your PhD, you are required to complete 30 ECTS in total worth of (PhD) courses, summer schools, and similar activities. It is mandatory (if you are teaching during your PhD) to attend the transferable skills-course Science Teaching (3 ECTS). The most common options for accumulating ECTS are:
- Study groups (highly recommendable!). You organize a study group with other students, choosing the subject and amount of work/ECTS-points yourselves. A professor must take formal responsibility for the study group and it must be approved by Karsten Riisager (talk to Karsten for details).
- International courses and schools (highly recommendable!). Talk to your supervisor, other PhD students, and look online for courses and schools taking place at other universities (or even outside of universities). Going abroad is included in the budget of a PhD student so don't hold back! You can learn a lot by receiving teaching in other environments, and participating in the international community is a part of science!
- Upon agreement with Karsten, it is possible to receive ECTS for writing a report, making a presentation or similar within your group after participation in a conference. Talk with Karsten for details.
- PhD- or Master-level courses, see https://phd.nat.au.dk/for-phd-students/courses.
- Transferable skills courses (it is recommended to not use more than 10 ECTS on these, but it's not a strict rule), see Transferable skills courses at Graduate School of Natural Sciences, AU.
- For experimentalists: The workshop course, which is occasionally offered at the department, can also grant ECTS. Ask Karsten for details.