Aarhus University Seal

Aligning expectations with your supervisor

Links to pages with information on how to align expectations with your supervisor:
This website:
http://phd.scitech.au.dk/for-phd-students/initiating-the-phd-project/aligning-expectations/ Facebook:

Introduction meeting 

  • When starting as a PhD student at Geoscience, your main supervisor and the head of the Geoscience programme committee will invite you to a meeting in order to introduce you to Geoscience, the PhD rules and regulations, and the PhD plan. This meeting should also include a match of yours and your supervisor’s expectations.

Staff Development Dialogue (SDD)

  • Staff Development Dialogues are held once a year – usually from October to December - for both scholarship and fellowship PhD students. It actually consists of two meetings:

    1. You and your main supervisor meet
    for an in-depth dialogue and a reconciliation of mutual expectations regarding your goals, tasks, well-being, cooperative relations as well as professional and personal development.  The SDD thus links your professional and personal competence development with the development of the workplace and the project within which you are working.

    2. You and the head of the programme committee meet
    and discuss not-project related issues of importance to the well-being and development of the student. You may also discuss issues that were brought up during the dialogue with your supervisor, or issues that you find not relevant to discuss with your supervisor.






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