Aarhus University Seal


Course work for PhD students can consist of, for example,

  • Transferable skills courses (common to all of GSNS) ( At most, 10 ECTS can be covered by transferable skills courses including science teaching)
  • PhD courses (AU or elsewhere)
  • Courses at AU or elsewhere that are adjusted to PhD variant. See AU course catalog
  • Ad-hoc mini-course (typically by guest professors)
  • Summer schools
  • "Journal clubs" organized in the research groups
  • Conferences or workshops followed by a trip report presentation for research group

Remember that all courses and other activities from which you get ECTS credits must be listed in MyPhD. Find more info about registration at the bottom of this page.

Introduction to Science Teaching

The mandatory course Introduction to Science Teaching is offered locally at CS (only for computer science students) and centrally at GSNS (for all NAT PhD students). We recommend that you choose the CS version as it is more tailored for the courses taught at the department. Please note, that you have to take both modules.
Also, it is recommendable to complete Introduction to Science Teaching as early as possible in your PhD program.

Dates for the next Science Teaching courses for CS students: 

Spring 2025:

Module 1:

3. February
5. February

Module 2:

17. February
17. March
19. May
22. May


Send an email to Jens Kristian Schou (jkrs@cs.au.dk) and Natascha Schalburg (n.schalburg+scienceteaching@cs.au.dk)  to sign up. In the e-mail please include; full name, email address, and your AUID.

Registration for master's courses

At the Department of Computer Science most master's courses can also be targeted at PhD students. See the course catalogue. Please note that there are two different procedures when signing up for courses depending on whether the course should be part of the 30 ECTS PhD course programme or the 60 ECTS Master’s programme:

  • Master’s course as part of the 30 ECTS PhD course programme: send an e-mail to gradschool.nat@au.dk, subject “Registration for Master’s Courses”, containing the following information: Name, student number, name of the course, and STADS UVA code (can be found in the course catalogue http://kursuskatalog.au.dk/).
    The PhD variant of a master's course must have adjusted learning goals, to qualify as a PhD level course. This may involve, for example, presenting papers, giving lectures, writing a short paper or survey, implementing algorithms, or relating the course topics to the PhD student’s research project. The plan must be discussed individually with the course lecturer, before the course startson the student’s initiative. PhD students who are also master's students must decide (before the course starts) which version to take.
  • Master’s course as part of the 60 ECTS Master’s programme: sign up for the course(s) via the online Self Service facility.

Other activities

To get course credit (ECTS points) for activities, such as summer schools, journal clubs, or courses from non-Danish universities, send an email to the head of the CS PhD committee Anders Møller containing:

  • a description of the scientific contents (for example, a link to a web page showing the schedule for the summer school or journal club)
  • an estimate of the total number of hours spent by the student, including preparation
  • a short recommendation by the main supervisor

Usually, 1 ECTS corresponds to 25-28 hours of work. After approval, upload the email containing the approval as a PDF to MyPhD.

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