Aarhus University Seal

Expense pool guidelines

The Department of Computer Science maintains an account, called the "PhD pool", which provides a uniform level of basic support for working expenses during your PhD education. All expenses must be approved by main supervisor and the head of the CS PhD committee Anders Møller.

PhD students can apply for support from the PhD pool to the following kinds of expenses:

  • Conference fees and travel to present a paper
  • Travel (including visa application fees) in connection with stay abroad. If you get a grant this should be used to pay for your travel rather than the PhD pool.
  • Possibly one extra trip to a relevant conference, workshop, or summer school (typically early in the PhD work)
  • Up to DKK 7.500 for IT equipment. Your supervisor may be able to provide additional support for special IT equipment 
  • Annual PhD retreat
  • Social or technical activities of broad interest to the PhD students at the department (organized by Juniorklubben)

Find information about the application procedure for traveling here. Before ordering IT equipment or books, contact Mette Sørensen.

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