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How to get a mentor?

The mentor program has a call for applications once a year. The deadline for this year’s application round will be 31st of October, i.e. three weeks after the autumn school.

To apply you must be a part B PhD student at the iNANO school

The application process is divided into two parts. First you need create a profile where you fill out information such as your educational background, personal and professional qualifications and your job interests. Based on your answers we will match you with a mentor for you that fits your wishes – it is thus important to describe as detailed as possible what you are looking for. 

The profile can be created here.

Secondly you need to write a motivated application from this template. Here you describe yourself, why you want a mentor, what you expect from a mentor etc. The motivation is distributed to the mentor during the matching process to give him/her an impression of you. It is therefore important that you invest time in writing a good motivation. This should be sent to mentor@inano.au.dk 

The details were summarized in the presentation at Autumn School which can be found here.

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