Aarhus University Seal


Practicalities: There is a water park and a fitness room at Søhøjlandet, so pack your bathing suit and/or sportswear if you are up to some physical activity!

7 April

9.00        Departure by bus from Aabogade 34

10.00      Arrival Søhøjlandet (check in if rooms are ready)

  • Breakfast - coffee/tea w.  rundstykke and wienerbrød 

11.00     PhD Supervision Troels B. Sørensen and Peter Bro Miltersen from Daimi

              and Ole Sejer Iversen and Christian Dindler from IMV

  • What characterizes good supervision?
  • What should you watch out for?
  • - as student and supervisor?

12.15      Lunch (check in from 13.00)

13.30      Introduction to group work about PhD supervision

  • Group work

14.30     Presentation of group work (coffee break included)

15.30     Teambuilding exercises

18.00     Dinner + presentation of the teambuilding exercises


8 April

8.00       Breakfast + free time - check-out before 11!

10.00     AGSoS Mogens Nielsen and Lene Kjeldsteen, AGSoS

  • Presentation of the Faculty’s new Aarhus Graduate School of Science
  • What does it mean to us?

11.00      The stay Abroad Janus Dam Nielsen, Daimi

  • How does it work?
  • What are the do’s and don’ts?
  • Presentation of University of New Brunswick, Canada Brad Nickerson, Daimi

12.00      Lunch + free time

14.00      Evaluation and research Quality John Kruuse, Statsbiblioteket (coffee break included) 

15.00      Evaluation and goodbye

15:30      Departure by bus from Søhøjlandet


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