Aarhus University Seal

Program for CS PhD Retreat 2012

March 15:


8:30 Departure by bus from Aabogade 34


9:30 Arrival, Coffee and rundstykker


10:00 1.62 minutes of madness


11:00 News from the PhD Committee (Anders Møller)


12:00 Lunch and check-in


13.00 The new structure at AU (Susanne Bødker)


13:30 PhD supervision at CS AU (Olav W. Bertelsen & Hanne Lynghøj Ellerbæk)


16:00 Sports etc. (Andreas Sand Pedersen)


19:00 Dinner




March 16:


From 7:30 Breakfast – check-out before 9:00


9:00 The PREP course (Erik Ernst)


10:00 Strategies for a successful supervision process (Tine Wirenfeldt Jensen, Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media)


This workshop focuses on the many strategies you as a PhD student can use in order to get the most out of the supervision process. Learn about common pitfalls and how to avoid them, why communication is crucial to the supervision process and get strategies and tools to help you to get the most out of every supervision meeting. Get inspiration from your fellow PhD-colleagues and research literature on the topic.


12:00 Lunch


13:00 Strategies for planning an efficient writing process (Tine Wirenfeldt Jensen)


This workshop focuses on the task of producing the actual dissertation/articles. Which strategies can you use in order to be an efficient writer? How can you produce texts for your supervision meetings from day one of the research process - and why is this is a good idea? How do you beat the common tendency to do everything but actually write something? Be presented with findings from writing research and specific strategies that can make your writing process more efficient - and get your fellow PhD-colleagues best advice as well.


15:00 How to get a permanent position in academia (Anders Møller)


16:00 Departure by bus from Søhøjlandet


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